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Medical Dermatology
Acne 暗瘡
Rosacea 玫瑰痤瘡
Eczema 濕疹
Psoriasis 銀屑病 (牛皮癬)
Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮炎
Urticaria 蕁麻疹 (風癩)
Skin viral infection (herpes simplex, herpes zoster, wart, molluscum,) 病毒感染 (疱疹, 帶狀疱疹, 疣, 軟疣)
Skin bacterial infection (folliculitis, abscess) 細菌感染 (毛囊炎, 膿瘡)
Skin fungal infection 真菌感染
Skin infestation(scabies) 寄生蟲 (疥瘡)
Benign skin tumour (seborrheic keratosis, skin tag, epidermal cyst, neurofibroma, lipoma etc) 良性性皮膚腫瘤 ( 如脂溢性角化病/老人斑), 皮膚贅瘤, 粉瘤, 神經纖維瘤, 脂肪瘤)
Skin cancer 皮膚癌
Mole 痣
Nail disorder (ingrowing toenail, onychomycosis) 指甲問題 (嵌甲/指甲內生, 灰甲)
Hair loss (alopecia, dandruff) 脫髮 (禿頭, 頭皮)
Keloid/ hypertrophic scars (增生性疤痕)
Abnormal vascular lesions (angiomas) 血管痣
Autoimmune skin condition 自體免疫性皮膚病
Genital skin condition 生殖器皮膚病
Miscellaneous skin conditions 其他皮膚疾病
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